First Post in 2011

hello reader,

how is new year?
how did you celebrate it?
is there lots of firework played around your place?

ok..let's wrap all the 'basa basi' and move into the real topic of this posting :)

New year is the beginning of 365 days and new year is the perfect time for people to start setting their goal and resolution...

RESOLUTION...Do you have any?

Resolution is a good thing to start the new year with the new spirit, so people can get motivated along the year. However, the problem is how long will the resolution last (to be fulfilled)? a month? a week or only a day?
as we know (you know right?), most of people (including me) like to make PLANS only and stop at that point.

Ok, I think I had arrived in the end of this post ....
(*what? where is the solution? where is the wise advice)

I don't have any right now..because I am also still working on myself to get motivated to reach my goal this year...
I tell you if I find any advices how to keep motivated in the entire year...hehehe

Happy New Year

Sofi Meloni


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