Earning money isn't as easy as I imagined...

I am now having my job as private tutor for 19 years old Japanese girl.
I was so happy when I found out that I am paid more than I expected. theb girl whom I taught
was very nice, fun, and talkative girl. Every time I visit her apartment, the housekeepers serves a refreshing drink and also some delicious snack.

You may wonder...why I put "Earning money isn't as easy as I imagined..." as the title of this post?

My biggest problem is..she don't like English and you how hard it is to teach someone who basically does not like something...
moreover, the material that I have to deliver is hard enough even for myself.
I can answer the question, but I don't know how to explain it to her.

I don't like doing anything which I don't master...
keep my student in certain level without any improvement make me feel like a loser...

aaa....better think about the salary...it's more relaxing...


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