Dear Inner-Self

Dear inner-self,

Long time no see.
I am writing to you since we have been through a lot lately.
Only you and me (and of course God) knowing exactly the details.

I think God is being overly nice to us, right?
Everything happens for a reason.
All the tears, laughs, sadness, and happiness come with something to learn from.
I am grateful that at this time of our life, we finally start to see the red line.

Of course there are lots of untanggled knots in the past.
To be honest with you, I do not know what I should do with them.
Should we spend more time and energy to open them one by one?
Or should we learn to let go things that happened in the past and move on?
I just can't stop the "what if" questions filling my mind.

I've also been wondering a lot - more than I used to.
What's the true purpose of living the life?

I am grateful that God has been overly nice to us.
Everything seems so good that sometime I am afraid that this is just a dream.

I know that I am being too hard on myself.
We've been through a lot, even though I still think it's not enough.
So, I think it's okay to cry sometime.
It's okay to embrace sadness and be open about it.

We are living the life with endless opportunity and mystery.
As long as we are positive toward life, I believe we will be living in "oooh this is too good to be true" life.

You've been though a lot, Sofi.
It's okay to stop sometime and be sad and disappointed at some point.
The point is to enjoy the journey and always moving forward after that.

Stay positive & let's celebrate by living the life the the fullest.
Always be kind.




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