Lynette Scavo in “desperate housewives” season 1 series indirectly reflects why American wife prefers to have a job than stay at home.

Lynette Scavo is one of five main characters in desperate housewives season 1series. In this series, Lynette described as frustrated wife who had no job at all. She got lots of problems at home and her husband was very busy all the time living her alone with the children. I’m going to do a research to find out is it true that this situation can be seen as a reflection why most of women in America prefer to have a job than become full-time housewife at home.

There are some reasons why I made this as my thesis topic. At first, I’m willing to do research on something which I like and this is what I like. I love American TV series because in almost every American-series I can see how American’s life is. Why I chose “desperate housewives” is because this series offers many values that related to American family, especially about married women. Second, it’s pretty interesting to find out why most American women, who are married, are mostly full-time employee. Why they chose to go to work than stay at home? What is the main problem?

This research is to find it is true or not that Lynette’s problems in the series are actually reflection of why married women in America prefer to work. I’ll also want to find out, what actually the main reason married women prefer to work than to stay at home? I am going to do much reading and researching to find out the basic information about American family. Including their most common problems, and compare with what happen in the series. I’ll also find a static which show how many married women work full-time. If they are connected then it means my hypothesis is true.

The main goal of this research is to prove that American series “desperate housewives” is actually a reflection why most of married women in USA prefer to work than stay at home full-time. And if is it true than people can understand what actually American family’s life looks like, what problems they usually face, and how they solve their problems. At the end, people, especially Indonesian, can compare their families’ common problems and American family’s and for its similarities they can learn how to solve problem in better way.


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