The Sim 3 : Can The Alien get pregnant?

Finally, The Alien is BACK (from season expansion pack)

I read it somewhere that our normal human sims can get abducted by a mysterious alien and then get pregnant by alien baby.
I tried doing "search for the galaxy" most of the time by using the telescope and finally the alien's super cool UFO appeared and abducted my sims.
Maybe for several our my sims is gone, after that it comes back with an alien again.
However at this point, there is nothing can be done to the alien. Maybe the alien just stands there to take my sims home (LOL)

Since my male sims didn't get pregnant,
I tried it again to search the galaxy most of the night. (It always appears at night-midnight)

Then one day, after doing the search galaxy, an alien (not the UFO) appeared in front of my door!
I click on it and my sims can finally do some interaction with it.

After it went home with it super cool UFO,
I can find the alien's name in my friend list.

Then I always try to call the alien to have it "visit over"

After socializing up to the maximum level of friendship/romance.
We can ask the alien to move in with us.

and from there you can absolutely control the Alien.

The Alien's need bar is almost the same like normal sims except it has brain power bar instead of energy bar.
It never get tired!
and to restore the brain power the sims just need to sit/lay down and do some of its ritual.
and more fun thing to do is riding the UFO!
now, even an ordinary sims can use it as vehicle or use it to prank people to abduct the certain target. LOL

I tried to get my restless alien pregnant.
since I am controlling the alien, I made it socialize with male (My Alien is female) then when the option "try for baby" appear, I clicked on it.
at first it didn't work, after make out, they just stood there and did nothing.

I asked them to relax on the master bed and then tried to click the "try for baby" again and it works. And there is the sound which you hear when the baby is finally formed (LOL)

The pregnancy is the same.
The alien gets hungry, backache, vomit, but it still never gets tired.

After two days of waiting, finally it gave a birth to green skin baby.
But in the needs bar, the baby has the energy bar instead of brain power.
ah what a shame, I want restless baby.

Since the pregnancy went smoothly,  I can choose the traits for the baby, but it already has "genius" trait but you can still replace it anyway.

I wonder what will happen it I have the male and the female version of alien and make them "try for baby"

will the baby still have the brain power bar. I'll try it later and post it next time.

Here some picture when my female alien is about to giving a birth to the half human and half alien baby.

If you have any other information about teh alien stuff, feel free to post comment or leave a link below. Thank you.


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